FROMO - an exhibition at Seattle Freezer, Seattle, Washington - 2019



When Elisabeth and Michael invited me to show at Seattle Freezer, I decided to make a show about timing. That seemed to me to be the logical point of overlap between the function of a fridge (to delay the inevitable rot brought on by time) and the mechanism of joke-making that is the center of my practice. The titular work in the show, FROMO, is an interactive sound piece housed inside a ceramic Tupperware container inside the fridge. From inside the fridge, the sounds of a never-ending, never-resolving, always crescendoing loop of ‘Call on Me’ can be heard. When the viewer opens the fridge door to see what the party is all about, the sound immediately stops. Accompanying FROMO inside the fridge is the work Time is an Illusion, Lunchtime Doubly So, an ice sculpture containing three pieces of buttered toast, about to fall butter-side down. The temporary delay of a minor disaster. On the outside of the fridge, ceramic magnets hold up mistimed and anachronistic photographs: a failed shot of the demolition of the Georgia Dome, an intact Mount St. Helens, a group of people bracing to jump in unison, an odometer at 16001 miles.

Installation Views: